On December 15th at 14h (CET/Brussels), we are presenting another interesting EAStalk webinar with Dr. Chris Noble
Dr. Chris Noble is a Senior Scientist within the Production Biology department of Nofima. The majority of his work focuses on fish welfare in aquaculture, primarily the development and application of Operational Welfare Indicators (OWIs) for different species, routines and rearing systems.
Chris has over 20 years experience in aquaculture research. Following a BSc in Marine Biology at the University of Liverpool and a PhD in farmed Atlantic salmon feeding management at the University of Glasgow, UK, he held Post-Doctoral positions at the University of Glasgow, UK and at the Teikyo University of Science and Technology in Japan. From 2007 he has worked at Nofima in Tromsø, Norway, firstly as a Research Scientist and then as a Senior Scientist from 2011. He has also and taught courses on fish welfare at the University of Tromsø since 2015. He is also a Board Member of Norecopa - Norway's National Consensus Platform for the advancement of "the 3 Rs" (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement) and since 2013 has been a contributing Editor to the journal Aquaculture Environment Interactions.
Talk summary:
Chris’ EAS presentation will discuss OWIs, the tools we use to assess fish welfare out on the farm. He will give an overview of the tools we have, how they are being developed, refined and improved and how they can be used in differing aquaculture situations. The digitalisation of OWIs and the application and evolution of welfare indicator toolboxes will also be covered.
To attend this webinar, register here.