We look forward to having you with us at our upcoming events!

Aquaculture Europe 2025




Valencia, Spain
September 22-25, 2025
Theme: "Aquaculture for everyone"

AE2025 Brochure COVER final jan25 VIDEO Cover AE25 Your Story
    >>BROCHURE<< >>VIDEO<<

With its diversity of species and production technologies, its diversity of market propositions and with its reverence for the environment and the way in which this is changing, Aquaculture is established as an essential sector in global food supply. There is therefore no doubt that aquaculture is and needs to be for everyone.

This all-inclusive concept is feasible and compatible with the environmental integrity of our coastal areas, with the regeneration and sustainability of our primary sectors, with the economic well-being for important food value chains, with the professional and entrepreneurial formation of local human capital and with the long-life learning needs of our public administrations.

Developing social licence and promoting not only the production and commercialization of high quality and health aquatic feeds, but also the ecosystem services that aquaculture provides, are key features of AE2025 - giving value to each and every person in Spain and throughout Europe.

The AE2025 parallel sessions will cover the full scope of European aquaculture scientific disciplines and species and will comprise submitted oral and poster presentations. AE2025 will also feature an international trade exhibition, industry forum, student sessions and activities, satellite workshops and updates on EU research.

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Aquaculture Europe 2026


Ljubljana, Slovenia
Date: September 28-October 1, 2026
Theme: to be announced

Brochure coming soon.