eTalk v4 3This series aims to cover a broad spectrum of topics that highlight the diverse nature of EAS and the wider aquaculture community. The webinars feature overviews of various aquaculture research areas - including EU projects supported by EAS - alongside insights into production technologies, with contributions from our Corporate members. Additionally, the series includes presentations on our network's benefits and addresses specific topics relevant to our large student community.

Each webinar is hosted on Microsoft Teams, typically lasting 45 minutes with 30 minutes dedicated to the presentation and 15 minutes for Q&A.

Following the live session, recordings are available on our YouTube channel for one month. After this period, they are archived in the Members’ Section of our website.

EAStalk is a series of webinars coordinated and moderated by Ana ViskovićProject and Programme Manager at the European Aquaculture Society. 
If you have suggestions for topics or presenters for EAS Talk, please reach out to us at 'ana at'.

IGNITION EAStalk June 2025

Join us on June 10 at 14:00 CET for another EAStalk webinar “Electrochemical sensors as a platform for improving Animal Welfare” with Dr Sofia Teixeira. Prior registration is mandatory, and you can register for free.

EASTalk Webinars by theme

Production (Species & Systems) and Technology

Nutrition and Feeding

Health and Welfare

Breeding and Reproduction


EAS, other organisations and other topics.