Joanna Gosling & James Taylor will talk in our next EAStalk webinar on June 16, at 14:00 (CET/Brussels time) about "Maximising the potential of coordinated national research – ARCH-UK".
Aquaculture Research Collaborative Hub for the UK (ARCH-UK) is a national aquaculture network which contributes to the knowledge exchange, capacity building and coordination of UK research. The network focusses on developing skills within aquaculture for Early Career Researchers, encouraging a culture of collaboration with industry, increasing the uptake of research outcomes and new innovations. ARCH-UK also supports UK Government by providing expertise and strategic guidelines on priorities for future research funding.
Joanna Gosling coordinates the ARCH-UK at the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling. Having recently returned from a secondment with the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP) in Belgium, she has led the dissemination and communication work packages of H2020 research projects, gaining experience of the formal processes by which industry, science and the EU communicate, inform the public and create international Directives about aquaculture.
Since her PhD, studying sediment biogeochemistry beneath salmon farms in Scotland, and an internship with the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC), Joanna’s career has centred around encouraging a wider-engagement in science and research. Joanna has developed a passion for working within the aquaculture sector due its rapid development and willingness to embrace innovation - a farming background and a love of the sea has also contributed to steering her towards the sector.
James Taylor is a medical biochemist with a laboratory and field research background in crop pest management and the elucidation of novel antimicrobial factors from insects. He has worked on numerous UK and EU projects with partners in academia, industry and government organisations both at home and overseas.
His extensive background working with stakeholders at different levels brings to the ARCH-UK team a highly valuable appreciation of the wide-ranging standpoints and goals these organisations have, and the role each plays within the sustainability of an effective sector. As a project manager for the ARCH-UK network he coordinates the shellfish and human health, food security and environmental-directed working groups of the network. In order to organise effective events, he works closely with the working group leads for each area, with a primary aim being to identify those aspects most pertinent to the future security of the aquaculture sector. A key aspect to this lies in the provision of facilitated networking sessions at events. The sessions aim to bring together representatives from academia with industry, policy and government organisations to allow a more complete picture to be formed of the current situation as well as the wants and needs of the sector as we look to the future.
Previous workshops organised within his managed groups include: Innovative approaches to the detection and remediation of human health issues relating to shellfish consumption, Microplastics, aquaculture & fisheries – a risk assessment and Oyster cultivation in a changing climate.
Visit the ARCH-UK website here.
Video is available here.